Anyway, according to this bean jar sex theory, (this is for married people so, be patient, this would be applicable to you few years later), if newly weds were to drop a bean into a jar every time they had sex in their first year and take one out everytime they had sex first year onwards, then there would still be some beans left in the jar when they would die. Wait. Did you get this? If not, read the line again.
So, this is a mathematical prediction of your sex life. Are you kidding me, you must be thinking. What a stupid theory. Stupid for what? Stupid because you are too stupid to understand mathematics? Anyway, this works on the simple principle of expnonential decay of radioactive materials if you seen what its graph looks like. Let me give you an example. If you were to have sex 500 times(not an overestimate, you'll know it later) in your first year of marriage and suppose in the second year, you had it 250 times and then third 125 and so on then you would actually still have some beans left than what you originally started with.
Honestly, I don't know what this theory tries to prove. Does it prove that newly weds have way too much sex than they should be having or is it saying that people start losing interest in the person that they have it everytime. I don't know. But the concept is really funny and bringing in some maths definitely adds some spice to this otherwise okay chicken curry.
Brilliant blog, no really!